
User-generated representation of Polandball.

Polandball, ēac cnāwen swā countryball, bið brūcendcened internet meme þe āwrīdod fram þǣm /int/ borde þæs Þēodisces imageboard Krautchan.net in þǣre lætre healfe 2009. The meme bið ypped in manig onlīne comics, hwǣr rīcum sind scēawed swā þōðrelic personas þe ymbweorc in oft brocen Englisc, plegende æt lēodlic stereotypes and geondrīcisc cȳððe. The comic's style mæg bið cliped ǣghwæðer swā Polandball (ac hit mæg gelimp þær ne bið Poland āmang the cartoon characters) oþþe swā countryball (oþþe, gadrigendlīce, countryballs).

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